Sunday, January 17, 2010


In recent years it has become increasingly evident that Science has begun to recognize that behind the manifest Universe that one is able to study with all the instruments that have been invented and developed, there is a deep reservoir of commonalty or universality that defies description.

It is rather like the waves that one observes on the surface of the ocean. They have multifarious and variegated forms and shapes but they are only a facade and beneath them is the deep sometimes unfathomable ocean.
Or like the many and varied stars that twinkle bewitchingly in the night sky, seem to be so near us and within reach and yet are, in reality, so far away.
Science is beginning to realize that there is a strong link connecting all parts of the Universe, a kind of bond of energy, that is uniform and common to all creation.

This concept is described in the Purusha Suktham, an important part of all the four Vedas.

“Padosya Vishva Bhuthani Tripadasyamrutham Divi”

The Manifest Universe is but one part (fourth) of creation, three parts (fourths) are invisible (immortal) and divine.

The ancient Vedic seers conclusively state that what our sense organs (that is, the body) observe or sense is only a small part of creation. The manifest Universe, including each of us, is a fourfold embodiment, a kind of telescopic interconnected contraption of which what our body can sense is only one part.

What is this structure and is it possible for us to understand it? Can we experience and in some way come in contact with the other three parts?

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